50 In 2008, a young, blue-eyed, handsome boy joined my daughter's class. Both she and I were drawn to him. He was not your typical child. We learned that Ian was diagnosed with Autism. Because of my nursing background and work with special needs children, I took special interest in learning about Autism and getting to know Ian and his family. <br id="el-1365547309369-412"><br id="el-1365547309369-413">
But life happens. Kids change schools and after a few years, our connection was lost. I would often think about Ian and wonder how he was progressing...<br id="el-1365547309369-414"><br id="el-1365547309369-415">
Things have a way of coming full circle...In 2010, at a meeting I was attending, I reconnected with Terry Millican, Ian's mother, and our friendship was reformed. I was invited 6 months later join the board of the Central Florida Autism Institute, Inc. (CFAII). <br id="el-1365547309369-416"><br id="el-1365547309369-417">
Autism...if it has not affected you or your family personally ~ most likely it will affect someone you know and love. When I met Ian, the rate of diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorder was 1 in every 10,000 children. <b id="el-1365547492691-437">Today ASD affects 1 out of every 50 children</b>. It is more common than pediatric cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined. ASD is not prejudicial...it affects every racial, ethnic and social group. It is the fastest growing serious developmental disorder in the United States. Early diagnosis and intervention are key to reducing the cost of life long care..<br id="el-1365547309369-418"><br id="el-1365547309369-419">
Central Florida Autism Institute, Inc. (CFAII) was founded in 1997 by a group of volunteer parents and community members to better assist families of children and adults with ASD in the Central Florida area. Our mission is to improve the lives of all affected by ASD with our efforts focusing on meaningful participation and self-determination in all aspects of life for individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. <br id="el-1365547309369-420"><br id="el-1365547309369-421">
CFAII identified a critical need for more services in the Central Florida area and met that need. We opened the Center for Applies Behavior Analysis and Therapy in 2006. (CABAT) By identifying and meeting this need more therapy options are available for families than ever before.<br id="el-1365547309369-422"><br id="el-1365547309370-423">
CFAII provides:
Summer Camp Community Based Outings
Parent Training and Support Parent Training & Support
Community Awareness Advocacy
Professional Training Parent Resource Library
CABAT provides:
Center based ABA therapy
Natural environment based ABA therapy (home, school, community)
Parent Education
Handwriting without Tears/Get Set for School Instruction
Research based Reading Intervention
Social Skills Training Groups
All of this costs money. Won't you help me in supporting this worthy cause.
Thank you!<br><br id="el-1365547492691-444"><font id="el-1362067039301-479" color="#000000" size="3">
<u id="el-1362067039301-480">Here are some of the ways you can help</u>:<br id="el-1361850363126-449">
<br id="el-1361850363126-450">
<b id="el-1361850363126-451">Join our Team </b>-The 9th Annual Autism Awareness
Walk/5K & Family Fun Day will be held on Saturday, April 13, 2013 from 7:00
AM – 2:00 PM at Anchor Park on beautiful Lake Hollingsworth across from Florida
Southern College in Lakeland. Some will be participating in the 5K which begins
at 7 am and others <span style="mso-spacerun: yes;" id="el-1362067039301-484"> </span>will be participating
in the walk and family activities which begin at 9 am. You may register online
by going to their website at </font><a id="el-1362067039301-485" title="" href="http://www.cfaii.org/"><font id="el-1362067039301-486" size="3">www.cfaii.org</font></a><font id="el-1362067039301-487" color="#000000" size="3">.
<br id="el-1361850363126-452">
<br id="el-1361850363126-453">
<b id="el-1361850363126-454">Spread the Word</b> - Please share about our event
to friends, family members, co-workers, fellow church members, etc. The more
people who participate, the more autism awareness we can spread and the more
money we raise to support the families living with autism today!<br id="el-1361850363126-455">
<br id="el-1361850363126-456">
<b id="el-1361850363126-457">Make a One Time Donation</b> - All donations are tax
deductible and stay right here in Central Florida to support our families
living with autism today. To make a donation is very easy. Simply click on the
DONATE button above and contribute.<br id="el-1361850363126-458">
<br id="el-1361850363126-459">
<br id="el-1362067039301-496">
To learn more about CFAII, please visit their website at </font><a id="el-1361851667014-468" title="CFAII" href="http://www.cfaii.org/" target="_blank"><font id="el-1362067039336-498" size="3">www.cfaii.org</font></a>